Monday, April 4, 2011

A ray of sun on a rainy day

Sometimes it's difficult to remember why the dark rainy days are just as important as the sunny ones.  Without the rain there would be no rainbows, no kids splashing in puddles of water and no purple tulips to remind us that despite the darkness life will always find a way to go on.

Thank you for all the rays of sun you have sent during our rainy days! 

The only "get well soon" gift basket we have ever gotten that has
beer and chicken noodle soup side by side!
Thank you Cusimano Family!  Doug and I are feeling much better!

Thank you for the juice and water bottle Brenda.  This worked out great!

B and his amazing balancing bunnies (Thanks Yvonne)


Our wonderful neighbors made us dinner!

A box of love from Uncle Jake and Aunt Jean, with a BB on top!

Better than a box of love it's a box of food!
Thank you SO much, you guys are the BEST :)

The food was great but Tyson and Bryce
 found Mommy's dry ice trick
to be a whole lot cooler!

Casting spells over their box of dry ice!

It takes a lot of work from the face to let out a smile, but just think what good smiling can bring to the most important muscle of the body... the heart.  ~Author Unknown

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