Friday, April 29, 2011


Visiting the cemetery has become a weekly trip for the boys and I.  And surprisingly we all seem to enjoy our time there.  Walking around looking at all the headstones seems to spark conversation that we probably would not have had otherwise.  And of course the occasional game of hide and go seek makes the trip even more memorable.

Just a few days ago the boys gave me another memorable moment that I thought you might all enjoy...
Me     "Look boy's someone moved the old flowers from Grandma's grave."

Tyson "Oh no, now we don't know which one is Grandma.  We lost Grandma!"

Me     (laughing) "No Ty, her gave is still right there."

Tyson  "Oh, phew.  That was a close one."

The boys then went up to Adele's grave with some gifts and as always told her they loved her and blew her kisses.

 The wind was beginning to pick up so Tyson and Bryce ran back to the car while I took one last photo.

As I began to turn around and head back to the car, Bryce came running back yelling.

Bryce  "Wait, wait I have more kisses for Grandma."

After he blew a few more additional kisses he walked right in the middle of the grave and stomped his foot down twice as hard as he could. 

Me    (a little shocked)"Bryce why did you just step on Grandma's grave?"

Bryce  "I made an X with my foot so we won't lose her again."

Me       "Bryce, I promise we will never lose Grandma.  Remember I told you the cemetery is just where we come to visit Grandma's body, her spirit doesn't live here.  Grandma's spirit is alive and always with us."

Bryce   "Of course I know that.  I just don't want to lose her so I make an X and tomorrow we will know right where she is.  But maybe we can get a big rock like that (points to a neighboring headstone) with Grandma's name on it.  Then we will never lose her."

Me     "Great idea B, I'll look into that!"

The next day Bryce upgraded the stomped X with an engraved X in the dirt thanks to a near by stick.

"Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart, your spirit lives within me, forever in my heart."

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